Caleb went with us to scout out the swing set.

This was one of my favorite parts of the set. It is a little counter with two stools where the kids can stop and have a snack under the little covered porch!

Here is my Dad in the process of taking it down. Good ol' Dad...what would we do without him? (One thing I can assure you we would NOT do without him is buy a huge swing set that has to be disassembled them reassembled!)

Amy, Josh and Silas came to see us 2 weekends ago. Josh was in town for work, so Amy and I had time to hang out and spend some time together. Silas is cute as a button and so good natured and content. Caleb was still sick while they were here and a bit of a cranky pants, so Silas's attempts at making friends with him didn't go over so well this time. Here they are having some paci time.

This is just a cute shot of their little diaper booties:

And this is just darn cute:

Seth was more interested in Silas. I show Seth Amy's blog with pictures of Silas, and Seth likes to say his name with a cute lisp on both s's. Here is Seth's attempt at a hug, and Silas looks like he is not too sure of this rough guy.

Seth also loves his Aunt Amy, and he kept asking for her after they went back to Oklahoma City.

I will leave you with some random photos of the boys.

This is what always happens when I catch the boys in a cute moment together. Seth was hugging Caleb, I ran to get my camera, and by the time I clicked they were wrestling over a toy!

This is Steve teaching Seth how to play air guitar to something on ITunes.