It seems that I have had more "holiday" stress this year than others. I am a self-admitted procrastinator, and I always rationalize this by stating that I work better under pressure. The end result is that I usually get everything done on time, but I am staying up all night and driving myself (and maybe some other people in my house) crazy doing it. Sort of reminds me of some 10 page papers I started the night before they were due in college....
So I have been trying to combat the b word....BUSY...and I keep purposefully reminding myself what Christmas is supposed to be about. Not what our American culture makes it about - buying, buying and more buying. Yesterday I was out shopping, and it was seriously insane in every store or parking lot I was in. Instead of being consumed by that feeling of rushing from here to there, which leads to being frustrated at anyone who get's in your way (a slow check-out clerk, 3 women walking side by side down an aisle (totally oblivious to anyone else) when you are trying to get by, someone who steals the parking spot you had been waiting on...yes, these have all frustrated me this shopping season!), I tried looking for opportunities to surprise someone by being nice. And man, are people surprised by someone being nice during the Christmas shopping frenzy!
Which brings me back to what Christmas is all about. Grace, sacrifice and peace. Grace because we didn't deserve it. Sacrifice... because, now that I have kids, I can't imagine what it would be like having to live without one of them for 33 years. And peace, because we can't have it without him. I hate how often I forget that without Jesus, there really would be no reason to celebrate.