I had a slightly nerve-wracking yet very fun experience yesterday. My friend Stacy had her second baby girl, Aubrey, a few weeks ago, and she called to ask Steve to do newborn portraits for her birth announcement. Steve is really busy right now, so he had to decline, but he told me to offer to do it. Who me? The one who is the "poser" but not the "shooter"? The one who always sets the big fancy camera to "auto" when I have to use it? The one who can listen to about 30 seconds of technical camera instructions before my brain turns to a different channel and I can no longer take in more new information? Yes, me.

Soooo...I offered my services to my friend who gladly said, "Yes!, I'm sure your pictures are just as good as Steve's." Ummm...no. But thanks for the blind faith!

So I am really glad that my first solo job was with a dear friend who knew exactly what she was getting herself into. And I have to say that I had a lot of fun, and I think the pictures turned out better than I expected! Of course, I was nervous to show them to my photographer husband when I got home. I wanted to throw them on the computer and weed out all the bad ones first. It WAS difficult to get a shot of her 2 1/2 year old and the baby together, because Alyssa is constantly moving, jumping, twirling, etc. I was trying to use all natural window light and no flash, so your subject needs to be relatively still to avoid blur. Relatively still is a relatively unknown term to a 2 1/2 year old.

Here is a link to the pictures if you would like to check them out: CLICK HERE

My friend Stacy is gorgeous 14 days after giving birth naturally (no drugs) to a 9lb 7oz baby girl. Welcome to the world Aubrey!