Not this time.
Easter Sunday, 2008. Seth and Caleb are rockin' matching shirts and looking pretty fly. Steve was leading worship for 3 services, so I was thinking that I had to keep the boys clean until he could get home to take their picture. Then....a revelation. I CAN TAKE THEIR PICTURE! I really have been trying to pay more attention lately to all the lessons he gives me in using the fancy-schmancy camera. (He has been giving me these lessons for 7 years on all the cameras that we have owned, but I am just now clueing in to LISTENING to them :-)
For those of you who know Caleb (19 mos), you know that this boy never stops moving. He is the definition of busy. So the first thing that I got right this time was to lay down my expectation of a shot where both boys are smiling and looking at the camera. I mean, honestly, it seems like it's not too much to ask, but most of the is.
The next thing I got right was using natural window light. If you want your pictures to look more natural, less washed out, etc...turn off your flash and have your subject facing an open window. Steve has always told me this, but I usually think it is too much trouble. But it really does make a difference!
My next issue...getting them both in the same place at the same time. To achieve this, I stuck them both in our office chair and pulled it close to the window. Now, when I just tried to take pictures of them sitting in the chair together, this is what happened every time:
Caleb kept trying to get down out of the chair. He wasn't really FEELING the photo shoot, if you know what I mean. Then, I had a brainstorm; spin the chair! So I would spin the chair several times, let go, grab the camera, and try to be ready by the time it was slowing to a stop. Trial and error, people, trial and error! So I was still not achieving the effect I wanted, because even though I wasn't expecting prefection, I definitely still wanted smiles.
So next, I would spin the chair AND tickle them. I know, I know. I would have looked like an idiot on video. All this for a picture.
But when you get results like THIS:

It's all worth it!!!!!