We have two different boys on our hands. Seth is all about the birthdays. Loves the parties, the birthday hat, the attention, the cake and the birthday song. He is borderline obsessed with birthday presents, and this point is proven when he sees ANY wrapped present and presumes it must be for him.
Caleb....well, let's just say that his birthday anthem goes something more like this:
"It's my party and I'll cry if I want to."
MOMMY CONFESSION: Caleb is not a big crier. He is a protester, but not a crier. The only reason he cried is because I put that birthday hat on him to take a picture of him in it. Caleb hates all hats. Seth and Caleb have worn that hat on every birthday, and I just change the number on it. So it has now made it through 6 birthdays between the two of them. After this birthday, it bit the dust. The string broke and *someone* pulled the green fuzzy ball off the top of it. At first I was sad, but then I was sort of relieved that a) I don't have to keep up with it anymore and b) I don't have to feel the pressure to put it on Caleb every year and take a picture of him freaking out in it!
Just to prove how much Caleb loves the hat, here he is on his first birthday...
I made the mistake of letting him nap right up until we were ready to start the party, and he didn't have much time to wake up and get used to the idea of a house full of people that were all ready for him to perform. He started out the party like this
He gradually progressed to this stance
I have said in previous birthday posts that I enjoy decorating cakes, and I was ecstatic to find out that a girl at our church who does cakes professionally is going to be teaching a class in the fine art of cake decorating. So as I look forward to that, I lament that I didn't have time to put much thought into Caleb's cake this year. He loves blocks, so I knew I was going to do something with that. But in retrospect, I would have done something with 3D blocks or letters, or had a better plan. I just sort of went for it and it came out ok, but it won't go down in my top 3 favorite or anything.
Big brother was HAPPY to help with blowing out the candle!
Eating Cake....a bit cleaner this year

than last year
Here I am with Seth and my nephew Colton, who could definitely pass as a brother of Seth!
These were his present from his cousin Austin. They are shape sorters that can go in the bath tub, and each little turtle has a different shape in his shell. So cute!
Caleb loves to build and stack. So he combined these two gifts, which have nothing in common....a John Deere tractor from Nana and Papa and bath squirters in the shape of Thomas trains from us, into a tower.
At this point, Caleb was finally awake and ready to party! He would stack, and then we would all clap and cheer. He would then clap and do his proud dance in a circle (which consists of a lot of galloping and stomping) around his masterpiece.
The shirt he has on was given to him by Uncle Neal, Aunt Heather and Colton, and I think the slogan fits him well :-)
This is my favorite picture from the day. Finally, a Happy Birthday boy!
Caleb's not saying, but probably his favorite gift this year came from his Great Uncle Terry in Florida. Thanks Uncle Terry! (And Mom loves this toy because they all stack inside each other and store in a little container that is easy to take with us)
If you want to check out more toys like this made by Gowi, go