Mbonisweni is one of the villages we worked in during my trip to Africa. There is a woman there named Victoria, or Mama V, as people there like to call her. Mama V and her whole family serve the children of their community. Twice per week they run a feeding program that provides a hot meal for anywhere from 100 - 150 children.Robert and Sammi helping out with the cooking
During our time there, we were struck by the fact that Mama V, her daughters, and a few volunteers prepare this meal OVER A FIRE. Can you image having to cook a meal for your family with only a pot over a fire? Now imagine having to cook a meal for 150 over a fire!

Because there is only one temperature - HOT - when you are cooking over a fire, you have to constantly stir so that the food won't burn.
Through the generous hearts of many back in Texas, we came to Africa with some cash that we were able to decide how to use to bless those that we met in Africa. We decided to purchase a three-burner propane stove and propane tank for Mama V and the community that she supports there in Mbonisweni.
When we arrived at Mama V's home, Keri (remember her from my first Africa post?) went inside her house and helped to stall her until we had the stove set up and ready to surprise her.

Here is our group from New Hope with some of Mama V's kids, both biological and kids from the community.
Mama V was EXCITED about the stove! She did something so sweet, which none of us caught on camera. She kissed the stove several times when she first saw it. She was overjoyed!
To know that we were easing the burden for these wonderful people who are giving so much of themselves was such a gift for us!
And now....I have a way that you can help the people of Mbonisweni! I just got a message from Keri that she will be going with Mama V *THIS FRIDAY* to a meeting with the chief of their village. There is a Care Center/Church that was built on the property right next to Mama V's home. This center will be used to feed and care for orphans and vulnerable children in this community. All the facility needs is a roof, and the money has already been given to complete the project. This is a picture of the facility as it looks now.
They need the chief of Mbonisweni to sign a letter stating that he approves of them putting a roof on this building. He has not, in recent past, been willing to do this. (If they were to go ahead and roof this building without his consent, he could then come and seize their property and consider it his own because they acted without permission.)
Please pray for favor for Mama V and Keri, for the Chief's heart to be softened, and for there to be no more obstacles to using this building to help orphans and children in need!