It is so refreshing to be with people who have known you many years and through many seasons of life. We always rehash old memories, tell new stories, and shake our heads at some of the decision we have all made in our lives! But the best part of our time together is knowing that there are people who have seen you at your best and at your worst and still unconditionally love you.
We have all had significant challenges in our lives to deal with - things we didn't expect back in college as we were looking forward to what our lives were going to be like. I can definitely say we are all better people for those challenges, and that we have chosen not to let bitterness take root in our spirits. And there is one simple reason for that, and we all share it in common - we recognize that we are loved completely by Jesus, the one who proves strong and unchanging in our times of weakness and despair.

I love you girls.
(Sarah, we missed you! Can't wait until the next get together when we can meet your new little one. New York City anyone??)