Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Mesmerizing Glow

I love when Seth and Caleb get up in the computer chair together.

Seth navigates, and Caleb watches.

(Don't they look SO MUCH ALIKE in this next picture??)

Tonight, it was

And I love seeing the excitement on these little faces!

Two more great sites for kids ages 2 - 6(ish) are


julia d. hull said...

PRECIOUS. And yes, its the facial expressions in that one picture that makes them look so much alike!

Heather said...

I love getting to hear about you, Steve and the kids EVERY DAY! It's like being invited to your home all the time :> And it's great you are archiving these small, everyday things that will be missed so much, and would be forgotten otherwise, when they have grown. You'll always be able to look back on these precious little moments. I just love it!